Contact: Wang Feipeng 18201443017
Unit landline: 62117806-602
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I. Post-doctoral staff (10 persons)
research direction:
1. New process and material development
1) Development of advanced precision casting molding materials for 3D printing (Knowledge in polymer material, experience in precision casting is preferred though not necessary)
2) esktop full-color 3D printer coloring material design (material design and ink material research experience is preferred)
2. Mechanical and electrical engineering
1) Industrial grade additive manufacturing (3D printing) system structural optimization and simulation (vibration dynamics, or fluid dynamics background)
2) Precision powder bed heating system for industrial grade additive manufacturing (3D printing), (familiar with thermal simulation, knowledge and experience in equipment design)
3) Industrial grade additive manufacturing (3D printing), (Engineering Post-doc, experience in equipment design is preferred)
3. Software and intelligent control
1) Adaptive speed and power process development for industrial grade additive manufacturing (3D printing) based on model analysis (experience in 3D model feature analysis, good maths, experienced CAD user)
4. Structural design
1) Precision cooling system simulation and optimization for industrial grade additive manufacturing (3D printing) (Experience in complex cooling system design, heat-exchange simulation will be preferred)
job requirements:
1. PhD graduate or expected PhD graduate within 10 months
2. No more than 35 years of age. Good health.
3. S Responsible, professional, innovative and team-working..
asting industry for a long time.